Is my data safe?
Our servers are encrypted and your data will be safely removed as soon as your order has been shipped.

I haven't paid and don't want the products anymore. What now?
We'll remove your data if your order belongs unpaid for 24 hours. The checkout process will also tell you so.

Why should I use this site instead of...
We developed our own small shop software to make orders as easy as possible. This makes it also a bit harder to create a fake scam copy of our site.
Not to forget we offer UPS express shipping for all products! :) (We're also thinking that our products have a nice quality!)

From where are you shipping?
For security reasons we can't tell you this.

Is the package odoriess?

My english is not so good.
We'll offer more languages soon. Feel free to use some online translator (you should use TOR and a service other than google).

More questions, no answers here...
Feel free to contact us - [email protected]